V for Victory Organization - EVERYDAY is Veterans Day!!!
Good day Everyone!!!
I hope this day is being good to you. Remember, Everyday is a good day!!!
PTSD Hotline
The image chosen above is a screenshot from V for Victory Organization website as part of the Programs page. This specific section is the Program 2 Buddie Up where V is working on ways to help veterans and others when they need to talk, have something on their mind, stay positive, and stay focused on the good in their lives. A main problem with how we deal with suicide is we have waited until the person is in a dire place in life, then try to help. We need to be preemptive in our mindset instead, and a be a positive influence in the persons life. To that point, we have created a link on the homepage and the Program's page that goes to preventative care with PTSD hotline . The Team here has contacted this hotline number, spoken to the team there helping with calls, and found it to be an excellent real time resource. The link to the PTSD hotline website is on our website, and the phone number is there immediately once you click the link. Please keep this in mind and share with those you think would find this resource of help.
So, the rest of the week was kinda tough for the Team here. We have been working on something behind the scenes that we want to share now. Since before the organization was officially formed, in November 2021, V for Victory Organization Officer had been working to develop a strong public presentation for V for Victory. It was a rocket ship for what V could do right out of the gates! The plan was to create a relationship with a medium sized retail company, with locations all over the country, and have them sponsor V for Victory through Program 3 Retail Partner Sponsor Campaign. Since December the pieces were being put in place to prepare for that opportunity that was assured to happen in second week of January 2022. Major investments were made by V for Victory Officers, BOD, Advisors, and V for Victory Legacy Partners. The pieces were in place, then February came along. The contact into the retail company continued to say things were in place but may be delayed for a reason or that reason. V Officers and BOD still had confidence it was going to happen even though it had not. V for Victory Organization had already reached out to individuals and supporting organizations to say that major help was about to come there way, and earlier this week V for Victory Officer finds out it is not happening. The rep for the retail company had not passed along any information provided by V to others. This was a real punch in the gut. And to have to inform the ones we had reached out to about support coming, that was the most difficult. We hope this opportunity opens up, and when it does, we will keep you up to date here.
Please reach out to retailers you know and get in contact with us as we have a way to create a 360WIN!!!
Even as things like this happen, V learned a lot and is prepared to move forward with the Purpose. We share this experience here because someone will resonate with this and know that not everything plays out how we plan. It is ok. Learn from the experience and be better prepared for the next time. It is not the end, just a change of page. You read the previous pages now look forward to what is ahead.
Thank you to all the Volunteers.
Thank you to the Sponsors.
Thank you to the Partners.
Thank you to the Officers.
Thank you to the Board of Directors.
Thank you to the Team.
Thank you to all who share what V is doing.
Remember, V is just getting started!!!